Nonvolatile Random Access Memory



Nonvolatile Random Access Memory. This is a RAM that retains its memory upon power loss.

ODL Font Protocol

On-Demand Loading Font Protocol. A protocol that enables Asian terminals connected to the access server to use the LAT protocol to access Japanese and Chinese OpenVMS systems on the LAN.

On-Demand Loading Font Protocol

See ODL Font Protocol.


An operating system for DIGITAL VAX computers.

operational database

The access server database that contains the values that determine the current operating characteristics of the access server. The values are not preserved through initializations, power losses, and port logouts. Contrast with permanent database.


An Open Software Foundation trade mark operating system for DIGITAL VAX computers.


The basic Ethernet network message unit transmitted by the data link layer, which is made up of a preamble and a data stream.

permanent database

The access server database that contains the values that define the permanent operating characteristics of the access server. These values are preserved through initializations, power losses, and port logouts. Contrast with operational database.


A physical access point on the access server to which a device can connect.

preferred service

A predefined network resource to which the access server attempts to connect a specific port whenever a user at that port enters a CONNECT command without a service name.
