Table 14 Top N Groups Report Charts (continued)
Report | Chart Title | Description |
Section | ||
| Long Term | A line chart showing the total octets sent and received |
| Trend | by the device for as long as Traffix Manager has records. |
2.1 | Top | A stacked bar chart showing the top 10 |
| With Protocol | within the detail group, broken down by protocol. The |
| Distribution By | octet total has the same internal, external or overall |
| Octets | filter as the detail group applied. |
3 | Report | Information about the report itself. |
| Information |
Top N Segments | This report calculates the top N segments by utilization, and by |
Report | percentage of errors. |
| For most networks it is sufficient to allow Traffix Manager to select |
| automatically the top N segments by selecting All Segments for the top N |
| segments report. |
Since it is possible that the top N segments identified by utilization are different from the top N segments identified by percentage of errors, Section 2 of this report can contain more than N segment details. If the high error segments are completely different from the high utilization segments, you end up with 2 x N details in the details section.
Table 15 Top N Segments Report Charts
Report | Chart Title | Description |
Section | ||
1.1 | Top Segments | A bar chart containing the top N segments as measured |
| By Utilization | by percentage utilization of bandwidth. |
| Protocol | A pie chart showing the top 10 protocols seen across all |
| Distribution Of | of the N segments. If more than 10 protocols are seen, |
| Top Segments | the remainder are grouped as other. |
| Protocol | A stacked bar chart showing the protocol breakdown of |
| Distribution By | each of the N segments by octets. The order of the bars |
| Octets | is the same as the utilization bar chart. Because |
| utilization is not the same as octets, the bars in this |
| chart may not always appear in descending order. For |
example, the utilization on a 100Mbps Ethernet segment may be quite low compared to a 10Mbps segment, but the octet count may be considerably higher.