Excel Worksheet The
The range’s name must be the
Excel Workbook The
Running dblookup The user can have many different lookup databases, each running with its own copy of dblookup and so with its own entry in the
For example, if two lookup databases companies.mdb (Access database) and continents.xls (Excel workbook) were contained in c:\data, then you could add the following two lines to the
Companies dblookup.exe c:\data\companies.mdb | TRUE |
Continents dblookup.exe c:\data\continents.xls | TRUE |
Attributes would then be assigned to devices based on the contents of these two databases.
If you change the contents of the configuration file, then you must restart the Traffix Manager Server for your changes to take effect.
Lookup databases may be modified ’on the fly’: the dblookup program always uses the most recent data from the database, and does not need be restarted when the data was changed.
How dblookup Works dblookup tries to open the database provided on its command line, then looks for the lookup tables.