can’t find HTML files? 117 index file 94, 95 lifetime of files 96
report directory, moving and linking to 94, 95 serving directory to Web server 94, 95 troubleshooting 117
viewing report output 95
interface types supported 51, 151
invalid IP addresses 53 IP addresses
default gateway device 170 DNS domains 130
invalid 53
key to object status in Map 58
Launch Graph dialog box 68 launching Traffix Manager
no data collected 52
launching Traffix Manager after the first time launching client 49
launching server 49 locating a remote server 50 overview 49
launching Traffix Manager for the first time launching client 26
overview 25 library functions
attribute lookup programs 148 Load Traffic dialog box 57 loading network traffic data 57 local DNS domains
subnets 130
local domain specification 130 local domains 130
areas in Map 59 objects in Map 59
lookup tables
dblookup program 144
MAC and Type predefined grouping 44
main window displaying traffic 59 Graph Panel 29 Map 27, 29 menu options 29 Object List 28 overview 28
reference to menu options 29 management software. See firmware
managing the Traffix Manager database 121 to 126 Map
displaying traffic 59, 60 effect of DHCP devices 157 locating areas 59 locating objects 59 overview 29
maximum device limit setting 132
menu options
main window 29 MIBs 164 modifying
events 85 reports 93
critical connections 75 critical devices 74 DHCP devices 157 long term trends 77 network resource usage 74
network segments using
server devices 78
WAN and backbone links 79 monthly reports
producing 91
multiple clients running against a single server 50
network monitoring critical connections 75 critical devices 74 long term trends 77 network resource usage 74 network trends 75 protocol usage 78
server devices 78
WAN and backbone links 79 network security rules
detecting network misuse 73, 79 detecting network sweep attacks 73 detecting new devices on your network 73