The event rules in Traffix Manager fall into two broad categories:
■Security — An event is generated when some aspect of network security may have been compromised.
■Traffic — An event is generated when a significant change in traffic patterns is detected.
The various types of event rule are discussed in more detail in the following section.
Traffix Manager provides a number of predefined event rules that cover common network issues. You can also add your own event rules, edit existing event rules and enable/disable them, as described in “Configuring Event Rules” on page 75.
The final part of this chapter suggests ways of using the various types of event rule to implement strategies for managing your network.
Predefined Event Traffix Manager is supplied with a number of predefined event rules,
Ruleswhich are applicable to most networks. These event rules generate events when significant changes occur on the network. They are:
■Detect new devices on the local network
■Detect changes on the local network
■Check for abuse of the Internet connection
■Detect WEB traffic during working hours
■Monitor local Notes server traffic
■Monitor local DNS server traffic
■Monitor local NFS server traffic
■Monitor local web server traffic
■Monitor local SMB (Microsoft) server traffic
■Monitor local NCP (Novell) server traffic
Local devices are defined in terms of the local DNS domains in which they reside. See “Local Domain Specification” on page 130 for more information.