Performing | Attribute assignment is carried out on any newly discovered devices. In |
Attribute | addition, you can force a refresh at any time by using the Reload |
Assignment | Attributes dialog box. Refer to the online help for the Reload Attributes |
| dialog box for more information. |
Using the fileattrs Program
Configuration File Format
The fileattrs program assigns attributes to devices automatically based upon a configuration file which you provide. The source code for the fileattrs program is provided in one of the following directories:
■<installdir>\TraffixServer\examples\source\c\ fileattrs.
■<installdir>\TraffixServer\examples\source\vb\ fileattrs.
■The program itself is in <installdir>\TraffixServer.
The configuration file must take the following format:
*KEY:<number of key fields>
*ATT:<comma separated list of attribute names> <comma separated list of attribute values> <comma separated list of attribute values>
KEY fields are those fields which should be used for matching against devices, and are the first N attributes in the attribute names list. Putting a ’*’ in place of an attribute value in a comma separated list will cause a match with any attribute value.
Configuration File Example 1
To map from DNS Layer 1 to a country, you would set KEY to be 1 as shown below:
*ATT:DNS Layer 1, Country com, USA
edu, USA de, Germany it, Italy uk, UK
*, Somewhere else