of the destination IP address, the station sends the message to the destination station. Due to the static nature of DNS, it can only be used when network stations have static IP addresses obtained through manual configuration, BOOTP or DHCP in static mode.
domain Part of the naming hierarchy used on the Internet and represented by a series of names separated by dots. For example, the domain name user.net.3com.com provides the path to a company (com) called 3com, to a company network called net, and finally to the destination computer, user.
event Traffix Manager enables you to configure rules which provide you with information about the traffic on your network and network security. Predefined or configured rules are applied to traffic data as it is collected. When the conditions of a rule are met, an event is generated to alert you to a significant change on your network.
favorite A way of specifying applications and protocols, so that you can select and view network traffic at higher levels of abstraction. Traffix Manager contains a number of predefined favorites, and you can add your own as required. See Chapter 7, “Displaying Network Traffic in the Main Window” for more information about setting up favorites.
firewall A combination of specifically configured network hardware and software products that limit access to the network by unauthorized individuals from outside the firewall. For example, a firewall can control access between an internal network and the Internet.
firmware Software running on an agent or probe.
group Term used in Traffix Manager to define a number of devices sorted by common criteria or device attributes.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol. A protocol used for transferring text and images over an intranet or the Internet.
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force, whose responsibilities include specification of protocols and recommendation of Internet standards via the Request for Comment (RFC) process.
interface In Traffix Manager, an interface refers to a connection from an agent to the network being monitored.