This chapter describes in detail each type of report in Traffix™ Manager.
Report Templates For each kind of object — connections, devices, groups of devices, and segment — there are two types of report template, activity and top N.
Activity Reports Each activity report consists of two sections:
■The first section contains detailed information on the activity of each specified object.
■The second section contains information about the report itself such as its title, whether it was scheduled or run ad hoc, and when it was created.
Top N Reports Top N reports can be run in two modes:
■Summary mode just identifies the top N objects.
■Summary plus detail mode generates a report including detailed information for each of the top N objects. Reports run in this mode take longer to generate.
Each top N report consists of two or three sections:
■The first section identifies the top N objects according to one or more criteria specified by you, for example utilization and total octets.
■For a Summary plus Detail report, the second section contains a number of subsections, each comprising detailed information on an object identified in the first section.
This information is not produced for a Summary only report.