Forwarding Events as SNMP Traps 87
2The MIB files that define events are supplied by a number of enterprises. Select 3Com in the Enterprises field of the Event Configuration dialog box. The system object ID corresponds to the value supplied with the SNMP Trap.
3The list in the bottom half of the Event Configuration dialog box lists events associated with the enterprise selected in the top half.
In the Events for Enterprise 3Com field,
3Com_RmonEventTrig to open the Modify Events dialog box.
4To change event configurations, click the Event Message tab and complete the following fields:
a Select Log and display in category in the Actions field.
b Select Traffix Manager in the Log and display in category list.
c Select a severity level to control the severity rating that Network Node Manager assigns to this alarm.
d Do not edit the Event Log Message field.
5You can define actions for Network Node Manager to perform automatically whenever a specific event is received. Click the Actions tab and complete the following fields:
a In the Command for Automatic Action field, enter the following: cmd /c mplay32 /play /close %SystemRoot%\Media\Office97\ Driveby.wav
b In the Popup Window Message field, enter the following:
Sweep Attack has occurred!!! Check Traffix Manager to snag offender