The KEY attribute(s) for that device can be any of the attributes which are assigned automatically by Traffix Manager, for example, NL Address and NL Type. See “Predefined Attributes” on page 40 for a list of attributes which are automatically assigned by Traffix Manager. If you have other attribute lookup programs running, you may also use attributes which have already been assigned by these programs as KEY attribute(s).
Using the dblookup The dblookup program assigns attributes to devices automatically based
c:\Transcend Traffix Manager\TraffixServer\examples\vb\dblookup while the program itself is in <installdir>\Traffix Server.
Lookup Database Access/Excel lookup tables have a common structure. The information Structure should be stored in tables named as follows, where N is a number
between 1 and 10 which determines how many key attributes the lookup is based on (this is similar to the KEY: N line in fileattrs' configuration file):
■lookup_N:general lookup table; or:
■ARP_N:lookup table for ARP devices;
■IP_N:lookup table for IP devices;
■IPX_N:lookup table for IPX devices;
■NetBEUI_N:lookup table for NetBEUI devices;
■other_N:lookup table for other devices.
In each lookup table, the first N columns must be the key columns. In Access, set the fields order in the table so that key attributes are presented first. In Excel, the first column(s) are the key columns.
Note that there should be either one lookup_N table, or a set of