Icon | Description |
| |
| Error Reporting enables or disables the device's error reporting function. When this function is enabled and a | |
| program error occurs, technical data about the state of the program and your computer will be logged in a text | |
| file and delivered to Microsoft's technical support if you choose to send it. | |
| |
| External GPS sets the appropriate GPS communication ports, if required. You may need to do this when there | |
| are programs on your device that access GPS data or you have connected a GPS receiver to your device. See | |
| Help for details. |
| |
| Key Lock locks the buttons on your device except for the Power Key when the device is in sleep mode. This | |
| ensures you will not switch the device on by accident and consume unnecessary power. | |
| |
| Managed Programs downloads and installs applications that are deployed by the System Center Mobile Device | |
| Manager. This program also lets you view applications which were installed from the System Center Mobile | |
| Device Manager. |
| |
| Memory shows the device memory allocation status and memory card information. Also allows you to stop | |
| currently running programs. |
| |
| Power shows the current battery level. Also allows you to set the timeout for turning off the display (switching | |
| device to sleep mode) to conserve battery power. |
| |
| Regional Settings sets the regional format to use for displaying numbers, currency, date, and time on your | |
| device. |
| |
| Remove Programs allows you to remove programs that you installed on your device. | |
| |
| Screen allows you to change the screen orientation, recalibrate the screen, and change the screen text size. | |
| Task Manager stops running programs and set the Exit button ( | ) to end programs immediately when you |
| tap the button. For more information, see “Using Task Manager” in Section 13. | |
| |
| Windows Update links to Microsoft’s Web site and update Windows Mobile on your device with the latest | |
| security patches or fixes. |
Connections Tab
Icon | Description |
| Beam enables your device to receive incoming infrared and Bluetooth beams. |
| Bluetooth turns Bluetooth on, sets your device to visible mode, and allows you to scan for other Bluetooth |
| devices. |
| Comm Manager allows you to manage the device’s connections (including Bluetooth, |
| connection), turn the phone function on or off, change to ringer or vibration mode, and more. |
| Connections sets up one or more types of modem connections for your device, such as phone |
| Bluetooth, and more, so that your device can connect to the Internet or a private local network. |
| Domain Enroll enrolls your device with your company’s domain to access company resources. |
| USB to PC sets the USB connection between your device and PC, and helps with problems connecting |
| ActiveSync. |
| |
| Wireless LAN shows information about the active wireless network, and allows you to customize |
| settings. |
22 Section 1: Getting Started