Prefix. Specify how to name captured images and video clips. When Default is selected, the file name of each new captured file is set to “IMAGE” or “VIDEO” followed by a sequential number (for example, IMAGE_001.jpg). You may also choose to name files using either the current Date or Date
&Time as the prefix.
Counter. By default, the newly captured image or video files are named with a prefix and sequential numbers, such as 001, 002, and so on. To reset the numbering to “001” for your captured files, tap Reset.
Recording Limit. Specify the maximum time or file size for recording.
Template Folder (in Picture Theme mode only). By default, templates are stored in the
\My Documents\Templates folder in the device’s Main Memory. If you transferred some templates to a storage card (via File Explorer), set this option to Main + Card to specify that templates are located in both the main memory and on the storage card.
Adjust. This option allows you to adjust camera display properties such as Contrast, Saturation, Hue, and Sharpness.
1In the submenu, tap one of the properties to adjust, or press the Navigation Control up or down to select a property.
2To increase or decrease the value, tap the plus or minus icon or press the Navigation Contro left or right. The live Camera screen on the background immediately displays the effect of changes.
3Tap to save the settings and close the submenu.
4 Tap to reset all properties to their defaults.
5 Tap to close the submenu without applying and saving the changes.