AT Command Interface Specification

Commands for Short Messages

z0 (default value): buffers the short message notification on the ME. If the buffer of the ME is full, the new notification overwrites the oldest one.

z1: sends the short message notification directly to the TE. When the notification fails to be sent (for example, in online data mode), the notification is discarded.

z2: sends the short message notification and the short message status report directly to the TE. When the notification fails to be sent (for example, in online data mode), the notification is buffered on the ME. When the buffered notification can be sent, it is sent to the TE at a time.

<mt>: integer, which sets the rules for storing and notifying the received short messages.

z0 (default value): No SMS-DELIVER indications are sent to the TE.

zThree methods of storing and notifying new short messages are as follows:

z1: stores the SMS-DELIVER on the MT and sends a storage location notification

to the TE. +CMTI: <mem>,<index>

z2: does not store the SMS-DELIVER on the MT and sends the SMS-DELIVERS directly to the TE.

PDU mode: +CMT: [<reserved>],<length><CR><LF><pdu>

z3: stores the SMS-DELIVER on the MT and does not send the SMS-DELIVER notification to the TE (not supported currently).

<bm>: integer, which sets the rules for storing and notifying the received cell broadcast messages (CBMs).

z0: No CBM is reported to the TE (default value).

z2: New CBMs are sent directly to the TE through unsolicited reporting:

PDU mode: +CBM: <length><CR><LF><pdu>

<ds>: integer, which sets the return receipt of short messages.

z0: does not send the return receipt of short messages to the TE.

z1: does not store the return receipt of short messages on the MT and sends it directly to the TE.

PDU mode: +CDS: <length><CR><LF><pdu>

<bfr>: integer, which sets the buffer processing mode when the <mode>=0 mode is changed to the <mode>=1-2 mode.

z0: sends the buffered URCs to the TE at a time when the <mode>=0 mode is changed to the <mode>=1-2 mode (default value).

z1: clears the buffered URCs when the <mode>=0 mode is changed to the <mode>=1-2 mode.

Issue 02 (2010-11-23)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



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