Command | Description |
| Parameters / Response Values |
| |
Handshake | Sets the handshaking parameter for the user data port. | ■ On: Enables handshaking for the specified | |
| user data port |
| ■ Off: Disables handshaking for the specified | |
| user data port |
| |
Config Mode | Setting determines how the user data parameters are set. | ■ Auto: TDR6 automatically configures the user | |
| data parameters to match those of the |
| incoming transport stream |
| ■ Manual: all user data parameters must be | |
| manually set by the operator |
| |
Baud | Sets the baud rate for the data channel | ■ Asynchronous: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, | |
| 19200, 38400 |
| ■ | Synchronous: 0 - 4.096 Mbps |
| |
Data Bits | Sets the character length for the asynchronous data channel | 7, 8 | |
| |
Parity | Sets the parity for the asynchronous data channel | None, Even, Odd | |
| |
Stop Bits | Sets the number of stop bits for asynchronous data channel | 1, 2 | |
| |
Details>VBI>Format: used to set the VBI parameters; for additional information on VBI, refer to the appendix on VBI data | |||
transmission. |
| |
VBI Format | When VBI Fmt Cntrl is set to Auto, this parameter is | ■ Off – no VBI information will be included in the | |
| the TDR6 automatically detects and processes the incoming VBI |
| video output stream |
| data. |
| Note: VBI Fmt Cntrl must be set to manual for |
| When VBI Fmt Cntrl is set to Manual, this parameter is used to |
| this parameter to be set to off. |
| set the type of VBI format to be decoded and included in the | ■ TiernanCC – sets the VBI format to Tiernan | |
| video output stream. |
| proprietary closed captions |
| ■ Lines16 – sets the VBI format to expanded | |
| windows, 16 lines |
| ■ Lines32 – sets the VBI format to expanded | |
| windows, 32 lines |
| |
VBI Fmt Cntrl | Setting determines if the TDR6 will automatically detect, decode, | ■ Auto – the TDR6 automatically determines the | |
| and include the VBI data in the output stream, or if the user will |
| type of incoming VBI data, decodes it and |
| manually set all parameters. |
| includes it in the output stream |
| ■ Manual – enables you to manually set the VBI | |
| format to be decoded and included in the |
| video output stream. |
Details>PGCA: queries the protection and authorization status of a signal |
| |
Status | ■ | PGCA_Enabled | |
| ■ | In_the_Clear |
Details>BISS: used to set the BISS mode and associated key and ID values. The key and ID values should be obtained from the site operator who has
The front panel numeric keypad has been enhanced to provide
Status | ■ Scrambled: the incoming transport stream is | |
| scrambled |
| ■ Not_scrambled: the incoming transport stream |
| is not scrambled |
1Key | Sets the key value for BISS 1 mode. The 1Key value is also | ■ The value is a 12 character hexadecimal |
| referred to as the clear session word. | value, that does not begin with 0x |
| Important Considerations when entering BISS 1KEY: | ■ If less than 12 characters are entered, the |
| ■ This command must be set before BISS Mode1 is set. | TDR6 will not set the command. |
| ■ This command may not be entered/changed more than 10 | ■ If more than 12 characters are entered, the |
| times within a five minute time period. | TDR6 truncates the value to the first 12 |
| ■ When | characters entered. |
| |
| least a 10 second time delay between entries. |
| ■ The value cannot begin with the hex values 0x |
| The value cannot be displayed once it is entered. Instead, the |
| TDR6 will display 12 asterisks. |
26 |
| Front Panel |