G l o s s a r y


A device independent color space that defines colors according to


lightness (L), redness/greenness (a), and yellowness/blueness (b).

color gamut

See gamut.

colorbars target

A .dpx file provided with the Display Manager System that can be


used to manually calibrate an HD/SD display. Project this file


through your imaging software to adjust the brightness and pluge


of your monitor. This file is located in the Images folder.


A measurement device that measures luminance, Y and


chromaticity, x, y.

correlated color

(CCT) A measurement in Kelvins of the color appearance of a light



dark gain correction

An adjustment to the sensor that eliminates inherent noise.

display aim

The desired brightness or luminance values that you want


calibration to match for your display. Set these values from the


Options > Setup window.

display mode

The type of calibration you perform in the Display Manager


System, Auto or Manual. During automatic calibration adjustments


are done via the enable cable. During manual calibration, the user


makes the adjustments from the monitor controls.

enable cable

A cable used to interface between a CRT monitor and a computer


during automatic calibration.


The process of cropping an image to fit into the specified aspect




A measurement of the relationship between the voltage input and


the brightness of your monitor.


The percent of increase between the input signal and the output




The range of colors that a device can produce. Also called color




High definition displays that can display 1080 and 1035 interlaced


lines of resolution along with 720 and 1080 progressive lines of


resolution in a 16:9 aspect ratio.


A physical or emulated light that is defined by its spectral power



kdm.ini file

The default data file containing the system settings information.


This file is used by the system each time it opens. After the Display

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K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e

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Image 108
Kodak 4F3882 CIELab, Color gamut, Colorbars target, Colorimeter, Correlated color, Temperature, Options Setup window, Gain