A p p e n d i x A S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t s
NIC Card: (Network Interface Card)
IRIX Operating System Minimum Requirements
Operating System: IRIX 6.5 or higher
Processor: N 32 compliant
RAM: Minimum 256 MB RAM; 512 MB of RAM is recommended
Hard Drive Space: 100 MB of available space on hard drive for the application; additional space as needed for storing images
Video Card:
Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 1024 is recommended
I/O: Serial port
LINUX Operating System Minimum Requirements
Operating System: Red Hat 9 or higher
Processor: Minimum PENTIUM 3; PENTIUM 4 or equivalent is recommended
RAM: Minimum 256 MB RAM; 512 MB of RAM is recommended
Hard Drive Space: 100 MB of available space on hard drive for the application; additional space as needed for storing images
Video Card:
Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 1024 is recommended
I/O: 2 available USB ports
NIC Card: (Network Interface Card)
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