V i e w i n g a n d C u s t o m i z i n g L o o k s
Playback Controls
The Playback Controls are at the bottom right of the Toolbar. These controls allow you to move forward and backward through images in a directory and to compare the effect of different LUTs.
With the exception of Compare Mode, playback controls are disabled if you are not working with a sequence of images.
Compare Mode | Step back | Play |
Frame increment
Stop/Pause | Step forward |
Click No compare to turn off Compare Mode.
Click Reset Image to change the comparison image.
Click Reset Transform to use the current transform as the comparison transform.
Playback speed is dependent on the computer system.
K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e | 5 3 |