B e fo r e C a l i b r a t i n g
Saving and Loading Settings
If you are working on several projects at one time, you may find it convenient to save all of the settings for each project in a customized .ini file. Load the appropriate file to quickly change all your settings when you change projects.
By default, settings are saved to the kdm.ini file. This is the file that is used each time the system opens. There are two different locations where you can save settings to an .ini
To create a customized .ini file:
1.Go to Options > Setup. Enter the appropriate values and click Save Settings. Name the file appropriately.
2.Open the Viewer and make the appropriate selections. Click Save Settings. Save the file with the same name used in step 1.
To load a customized .ini file:
1.Go to File > Load Settings.
2.Browse for and
To save all settings at once:
Go to File > Save Settings.
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