G l o s s a r y

Manager System opens, you can load customized .ini files if you do not want to use the settings in the kdm.ini file.

KODAK VISION2 HD A KODAK Imaging System for television that combines a scan- System optimized color negative film and image processing implemented

through new hardware to enable the creation of multiple starting looks for post production work.

LAD Laboratory Aim Density

luminance A measurement of a luminant surface that approximates the perception of brightness.

manual A Display Manager System utility that can be used to create a characterization characterization file for an HD/SD display or digital projector.


patches Individual color squares that the sensor reads during calibration, characterization, and verification.

pluge chart (Picture Line-up Generation Equipment) A test pattern used to adjust the black level of a display. Adjust the brightness of your monitor until the pattern blends into the black background.

profile A data file that describes how a display reproduces color. In the Display Manager System this is a .chr file that is created during the characterization process.

projector aim Description of the film projector you are emulating. Specified by the film projector open gate luminance and chromaticity or a spectral power distribution curve.

projector SPD (spectral power distribution) A description of a source's characteristics, which indicates the amount of power of the source at each wavelength in the spectrum.

Quick Verify A Display Manager utility that lets you quickly check 3 color patches to determine if your display has started to drift out of tolerance.

SD Standard definition display capable of displaying NTSC and PAL video. NTSC broadcasting uses 525 lines of resolution while PAL broadcasts at 625 lines of resolution.

sensor A colorimeter used to measure color values of patches during calibration, characterization, and verification.

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

SPD See projector SPD.

K O D A K D i s p l a y M a n a g e r S y s t e m V 4 . 1 U s e r ’ s G u i d e

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Kodak 4F3882 manual Assistant, SPD See projector SPD