searc h and c onfigur e pr inter s er ver s on other s ubnets across network segm ents . You m ust use Rem ote Por ts Utility descr ibed in the nex t section to m anage r em ote ( acr oss network segm ents) printer s er ver s .

Selec t the network por ts in the “ Available Ports” list and c lick “ >” to add ports . If you want to add all available ports, pleas e click “ >>” . T o canc el s om e of the network ports or all ports from the “Chos en Por ts” list, pleas e c lick “<” or “ <<” .

3.5.2 Remote Ports (Utility)

Rem ote Ports Utilit y of fers a c onvenient wa y for you to m anage and add pr inter por t of the rem ote printer s er ver . From the ass is tant of this utilit y, you c an pr int to other pr inter ser vers outs ide the s ubnet acr oss network segm ent . However , pleas e note that this func tion onl y s upports T CP/IP network pr otoc ol .

Pleas e follow the pr oc edur es descr ibed below:

Step1 . Run Rem ote Ports Utilit y. Click s “Add” to add a r em ote pr int port .

Step2 . Enter pr inter ser ver ’s nam e, IP address, s elect us ed ports,

and enter LPR queue nam e of eac h port . Click “Ok ” .


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LevelOne WPS-9123, FPS-9023 user manual Remote Ports Utility