Becaus e pr inter s er ver suppor ts IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, T CP/IP and AppleT alk network pr otoc ols, an y network ed com puter can dir ectl y pr int to the pr inter s er ver fr om an y of its installed pr otoc ol .
1.3.2 Network Printing Functions for Clients
Client User |
Unix | Print Server | Windows NT Server |
| NetWare Server |
Windows NT Windows 2000 | Windows 98 |
Workstation |
Com m on operating s ystem s for c lients ar e c lassif ied as follow ing:
W indows 98SE/M E/2000/X P/
Our pr inter s er ver s ystem provides PT PP ( Peer - to - Peer Pr inting) dr iver and utilities for W indows 98SE/M E//2000/X P/ us ers . PT PP ( Peer - to - Peer Pr inting) s upports T CP/IP protoc ol .