9.5Other Commands
9.5.1 ipconfig
“ipconfig” com m and is used to quick l y get the IP s ettings (IP, s ubnet m ask , default gatewa y) of the pr inter ser ver :
adm in# ipc onfig
IP _ ADDR=192 . 168 . 2 . 2
SUBNET _ MASK=255 . 255 . 255 . 0
DEF AULT _ G AT EW AY=192 . 168 . 2 . 254
9.5.2 reboot
“reboot” c omm and is used to res tart the printer s er ver :
adm in# r eboot
9.5.3 exit
“ex it” com m and is us ed to leave the pr inter ser ver telnet m anagem ent:
adm in# exit
9.5.4 help
“help” com m and is us ed to list all telnet m anagem ent c omm ands of the pr inter s er ver :
adm in# help
set ar gum ent value