Dur ing the c lient’s installation pr ocedur e, the s ys tem will
autom atic all y s earch for all pr inter s er vers on the network , and add them into the pr inter por ts of the c lient’s c om puter (see below) .
If you have jus t installed another new pr inter ser ver in the network , you m ust r un this program first . T his pr ogr am will searc h f or new pr inter ser ver s and allow you to add the new networ k printer port into c lient’s com puter convenientl y . Perform the standar d Add Pr inter pr oc edur e, then you c an print directl y to the printer thr ough the newl y installed
pr inter s er ver .
Pleas e be awar e that Network Por ts Q uick Setup Utilit y can onl y detect and c onf igur e all pr inter s er ver s on the s am e network , it cannot