3.1System Architecture

Pr inter s er ver s upports W indows P eer - to - Peer network pr inting m ode, whic h is suitable for most m edium and sm all network envir onm ents .

T hrough quick and s im ple ins tallation proc edure, us ers c an im m ediatel y enj o y the convenience of network printing .

Ins tallation proc edu re is s epar ated into following two parts :

1 . Adm inistr ator Ins tallation and Setup (r efer to s ection 2 for m ore detailed inform ation) .

S ystem adm inistr ators m ust:

Ins tall adm inis trator’s utilities into his/her c om puter .

Configure printer s er ver fr om adm i nis tr ator ’s configuration utilit y.

2 . Client Ins tallation and Conf igur ation (r efer to s ection 3 for m ore detailed inform ation) .

Client users m ust install W indows PT PP dr iver ( Peer - to - Peer Pr inting) for network pr inting .


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LevelOne WPS-9123, FPS-9023 user manual System Architecture