3.4Client Installation and Setup
T he Client Installation ca n be perform ed on W indows
98SE/M E/2000/X P/ with the sam e us er interface . Befor e the ins tallation proc edure, pleas e c onfirm that your PC has connected to the network and ins talled at least one network pr otocol .
1 . Ins ert the CD shipped along with the pr inter ser ver into your CD - RO M dr ive . T he Autor un . ex e pr ogr am should be ex ecuted autom atic all y. If not, r un Autorun . ex e m anuall y from CD - RO M drive’s root dir ector y.
2 . T he "Ins tallation Manager " will be displa yed on the scr een as follows . Selec t the m odel then c lick “ Client Installation” .