3.3Administrator Utilities
After Adm inistr ator Ins tallation is c om pleted, ther e will be four utilities in pr inter s er ver ’s Pr ogram folder .
Network Por ts Q uick Setup – Add the networ k ports of pr inter ser vers within the network to your PC .
Pr inter s er ver Conf iguration – Allows you to conf igur e the pr inter s er ver ’s IP Address, network pr otoc ols and other advanced func tions . Pleas e refer to Chapter 7 for th e detail instr uction of the c onf igur ation .
Rem ote Ports – Add the network por t of r em ote pr inter ser ver to your PC .
Uninstall – Ass is tant for r em oving all installed adm inis tr ator softwar e .