7.9Bonjour Configuration
Bonj our tec hnolog y (“ Rendezvous” was r enam ed “ Bonj our” with the releas e of Mac O S X v10 . 4), als o k nown in the industr y as Z er o Configuration network ing, enables autom atic discover y of c om puter s, devic es, and s er vic es on IP network s . It us es indus tr y s tandard IP protocols to allow devices to autom atic all y find eac h other without the need to enter IP addr esses or c onfigure DNS ser vers . T his tec hnolog y is used in MAC O S .
Service Nam is a nam e to identif y the devic e on IP network . T he Pr inter s er ver has thr ee pr inter ports ; pleas e des ignate the unique and friendl y s er vic e nam e for eac h pr inter c onnected to one of the three pr inter ports .