5.1System Architecture
W e im plem ented NetW are pr inter s har ing functionalit y into the pr inter s er ver its elf, thus allowing one or m or e pr inters attached b y a pr inter s er ver to be connec ted to the networ k . W e have developed the pr inter s er ver to support NetW are pr inter s erver .
Em bedded pr inter s er ver , which em ulates the “queue m anagem ent functionalit y” of NetW are pr inter s er ver , PSERVER pr ogram running on the NetW are ser ver . A us er f irst prints a j ob at a work statio n, the j ob is routed to a NetW are ser ver, the NetW are server s tores the j ob in a pr int queue and then the printer s er ver gets the pr int job from the queue to pr inters .
| Print Queue |
Windows 98 | Netware Server | Print Server |
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Windows 2000 |
Com par e with NetW are pr inting functionalit y, the advantages of em bedding the NetW are n etwork pr inting f unctionalit y in the pr inter ser ver include:
Ins tallation is easier and quick er .
Network m anagem ent is eas ier .
Pr inting perform ance is enhanc ed .
Relieve NetW are file s er ver’s bur den .
Relieve the need of a work station running the r em ote pr in ter utilit y.
Im prove pr oductivit y by loc ating the pr inter near the work group .