7.2Search for All Available Printer server

Ever y tim e when you r un printer s er ver ’s configuration utilit y, c lick

the “ Search” ic on on the tool bar . T he con figuration utilit y will delay for sever al s ec onds becaus e the utilit y is using s ystem ’s available network pr otoc ols to s earc h for all pr inter s erver s on the network . All available pr inter ser ver s will be listed under “ Pr inter s er ver Group” on the left s ide of the window .

You m ust s elec t the pr inter s er ver you would lik e to c onf igur e fr om the lis t . T he s ystem will, at the sam e tim e, displa y the s elec ted pr inter ser ver ’s status on the right s ide of the window .


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LevelOne FPS-9023, WPS-9123 user manual Search for All Available Printer server