10.2System Setup
10.2.1 Printer server Side
It is needless to do any s etting on the pr inter ser ver side . Mak e s ure the pr inter s er ver has corr ect IP s ettings . If you want to s har e the
pr inters to Inter net us ers, you have to s et a real IP to the pr inter s er ver . You als o have to m ak e sur e that an y gatewa y; r outer or f ir ewall does not block IPP pr otoc ol if you have thes e gateway devices ins t alled in your network .
10.2.2 Client Side
You onl y need to perform W indow’s s tandar d Add New Printer proc edure .
Step1 . Click “Star t”, choos e “ Settings” and selec t “ Pr inters and Fax es” .
Step2 . Click “Add a Pr inter” .
Step3 . T he “ Add Pr inter W izar d” is displa yed . Click “Next” .