LevelOne WPS-9123, FPS-9023 user manual 135

Models: WPS-9123 FPS-9023

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Step5 . Selec t “ Connect to a printer on the Inter net or on a hom e or office network ” and enter the URL of pr inter ser ver . T he URL form at is “ http://IP:631/Port Nam e” . T he IP s hould be the pr inter s er ver ’s IP . T he num ber 631 is IPP s tandard por t num ber . Por t Nam e is the port nam e of printer s er ver that your pr inter is c onnec ted t o . T he def ault port nam e is “ p 1” . One exam ple of the URL is http://192 . 168 . 3 . 66:631/ p1 ,after entering the URL of pr inter s er ver , c lick “Next” .


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LevelOne WPS-9123, FPS-9023 user manual 135