6.5Configure Remote LPD Printing on the Host
T he pr ocedure you us e to c onf igur e your Unix host(s) to allow
pr inting to your net wor k rem ote pr inter s er ver var ies between differ ent var ieties of Unix . T he pr oc edur e below c an be used f or Unix var iants that are r elated to BSD Unix , s uch as SunO S or Linux . F or other vers ions of Unix , c ons ult your s ys tem doc um entation, k eeping in m ind that:
1 . T he pr inter s er ver should be treated as a BSD network ed pr inter ser ver hos t .
2 . T he host nam e s hould be the nam e ( or IP address) that you have ass igned to the printer ser ver .
3 . T he pr inter nam e ( or queue nam e) on the rem ote host should be lpt1, lpt2 or lpt3, the nam e of the pr inter por t on the pr inter ser ver .
You will need to perfor m the task s below, logged in as the s uper us er (root) . T o c onf igur e your Unix host for pr inting,
1 . O ptionall y, ass ign a nam e corr es ponding to the pr inter ser ver ’ s IP addr ess . You c an add this addr ess to the /etc/hosts file, b y adding a line suc h as : pserver
2 . Create a s pool dir ector y f or the printer in the s am e direc tor y wher e s pool dir ector ies ar e norm all y k ept on the m achine, s uc h as /var /spool or /var/s pool/lpd:
mkdir /var/spool/lpd/pserverd
chown daemon /var/spool/lpd/pserverd
chgrp daemon /var/spool/lpd/pserverd
chmod 775 /var/spool/lpd/pserverd
3 . Add an entr y to the host ’ s /etc/pr intc ap file, s im ilar to the following: