2 . Add an entr y to the host s /etc/bootptab file, sim ilar to the following:





Lines s hould be indented with tabs .

W here hostnam e is the devic e nam e of a pr inter s er ver , the ht=1 tag spec if ies the hardware t ype is Ether net, the ha= tag s pecif ies the

Ether net addr ess of a pr inter s er ver , which is the Node ID loc ated on the pr inter s er ver . T he ha tag m ust be pr ec eded b y the ht tag . T he ip= tag should c orr espond to the IP addr ess you want to ass ign to the pr inter ser ver .

For ex am ple, a pr inter ser ver with the followi ng c onf igur ation:

Node ID: 0000B4 010101 (this im plies Ether net

addr ess is 0000B4010101) ,

IP addr ess: 203 . 66 . 191 . 12

T he entr y f or this printer s er ver in the /etc /bootptab file s hould be:






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Image 59
LevelOne WPS-9123, FPS-9023 user manual PS010101\ Ht=1\ Ha=0000B4010101\ Ip=