The following options/accessories are available for your Ranger 250 from your local Lincoln distributor.
K957-1 HEAVY DUTY, TWO-WHEEL TRAILER FOR SMALL WELDERS - For road, off-road and in-plant and yard towing. (For highway use, consult applicable federal, state and local laws regarding requirements for brakes, lights, fenders, etc.)
K1737-1 FOUR-WHEEL ALL-TERRAIN UNDERCAR- RIAGE - For moving by hand.
K1770-1 UNDERCARRIAGE (FACTORY) - For mov- ing by hand on a smooth surface. One or two gas cylinders can be mounted on the rear of the undercar- riage with the installation of K1745-1 Cylinder Holder(s).
K1739-1 CABLE CARRIER KIT - For use on K1737-1 and K1770-1 Undercarriages.
K1745-1 SINGLE GAS CYLINDER HOLDER - For use on K1770-1 Undercarriage. One or two may be installed on an undercarriage.
K1788-1 ROLL CAGE - Gives added damage protec- tion.
K886-2 CANVAS COVER - Protects machine when not in use.
S24647 SPARK ARRESTER - Mounts inside exhaust pipe.
K702 ACCESSORY KIT - Accessory set includes 35 ft.
(10.7 meters) 2 AWG electrode cable, 30 ft. (9.1 meters) 2 AWG work cable, headshield with No. 12 fil- ter, GC300 work clamp and Cooltong 300 electrode holder. Cables are rated at 250 amps, 40% duty cycle.
K857 28 ft. (8.5m) or K857-1 100 ft. (30.4m) REMOTE CONTROL - Portable control provides same dial range as the output control on the welder. Has a convenient 6-pin plug for easy connection to the welder.
K1690-1 GFCI RECEPTACLE KIT - Includes one UL approved 120 volt ground fault circuit interrupter duplex type receptacle with cover and installation instructions. Replaces the factory installed 120V duplex receptacle. Each receptacle of the GFCI Duplex is rated at 20 amps. The maximum total current from the GFCI Duplex is limited to 20 amps. Two kits are required.
K802-N POWER PLUG KIT - Provides four 120 volt plugs rated at 20 amps each and one dual voltage, full KVA plug rated at 120/240 volts, 50 amps.
K802-R POWER PLUG KIT - Provides four 120 volt
plugs rated at 15 amps each and one dual voltage, full KVA plug rated at 120/240 volts, 50 amps.
T12153-9 50 AMP, 120/240V POWER PLUG -
Provides one dual voltage plug for full KVA power.
K1783-9 TIG TORCH - For TIG welding with shielding gas. Includes 25 feet of cable.
K963-2 - Hand Amptrol.
K870 - Foot Amptrol.
NOTE: TIG welding requires a Magnum™ TIG Gun, appropriate Magnum Parts Kit and argon gas.
LN-25 WIRE FEEDER K449 - This portable unit pro- vides CC/CV for flux-cored arc welding (FCAW) and metal inert gas welding (MIG). Includes a gas solenoid and an internal contactor that allows across-the-arc operation with no control cable. The LN-25 provides a “cold” electrode until the gun trigger is pressed. For voltage control at the feeder, a K444-1 Remote Voltage Control Kit or K857 Remote Control is required. Refer to connection instructions later in this section.
LN-7 OR LN-8 WIRE FEEDER - Semiautomatic, con- stant speed wire feeders.
NOTE: Gas-shielded welding requires a Magnum Gun. Gasless welding requires an Innershield Gun.
LN-742 WIRE FEEDER - A semiautomatic wire feeder with “cold” electrode. Refer to connection instructions later in this section.
MAGNUM SPOOL GUN (K487-25) - A lightweight, semiautomatic wire feeder for aluminum welding with argon gas. Has built-in remote wire speed control in the handle. Requires the K488 SG Control Module. Refer to connection instructions later in this section.
SG CONTROL MODULE (K488) - Controls wire speed and gas flow. Provides the required control interface between the Ranger 250 and the K487-25 Magnum Spool Gun. Requires the K691-10 Input Cable.
K444-1 REMOTE VOLTAGE CONTROL - Provides voltage adjustment control at the feeder. Includes 25 feet of cable.
K126-2 INNERSHIELD GUN - For gasless welding. Includes 15 feet of cable.
K470-2 MAGNUM GUN CONNECTOR KIT - For gas- shielded welding.
K466-1 MAGNUM GUN CONNECTOR KIT - For con- necting the Magnum 300 MIG Gun to the feeder for gas-shielded welding.