Administrators must also make sure that no Office applications run during an installation of the Office 2013 Preview.
If you set the Display Level value to “basic” and SuppressModal to “yes”, users might be prompted if any Office files are being used. Setting Display Level to “none” prevents prompting users in these cases. The SuppressModal attribute does not prevent files in use messages from being displayed. Only if Display Level is set to “none” are files in use messages prevented from being displayed.
The Display element is used by Setup only if Setup finds the Config.xml file in the same folder as setup.exe, or if you specify the Config.xml file by using the Setup /config
<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="Yes" />
DistributionPoint element
Specifies the fully qualified path of the network installation point from which the installation is to run.
<DistributionPoint Location="path" />
The following table describes DistributionPoint element attributes and values.
DistributionPoint attributes
Attribute | Value | Description |
Location | path | The fully qualified path of the network |
| installation point from which the |
| installation is to run. |
If this is not specified, Setup assumes that the Setup.exe file is located at the root of the network installation point.
The DistributionPoint element is used by Setup only if Setup finds the Config.xml file in the same folder as setup.exe, or if you specify the Config.xml file by using the Setup /config