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Configuration: Basic Gateway TCP/IP Wireless USB
Configuring WPA on the SBG940
To enable WPA and set the key on the SBG940:
1On the SBG940 Setup Program left panel, click Wireless.
2Click the SECURITY tab to display the Wireless > SECURITY — basic page:
3In the Security Mode field, select WPA and click Apply.
4Under WPA CONFIGURATION, choose one WPA Encryption type. Because performance may be slow with TKIP, we recommend choosing AES if your clients support AES:
TKIP | Temporal Key Integrity Protocol provides data encryption including a |
| function, message integrity check (MIC), initialization vector (IV) and |
AES | The Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm implements symmetric key cryptography as a |
| block cipher using |
| support AES. The Motorola client adapters shown in “Optional Accessories” support AES. |
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