Q Can I still watch cable TV while using my SVG2500?
A Yes, your cable TV line can carry the TV signal while you send and receive information on the Internet.
QWhat are CableLabs Certified, DOCSIS, and Euro-DOCSIS?
A CableLabs Certified, DOCSIS, and
Q If I have an SVG2500, can I still use my old 28.8 Kbps or 56 Kbps modem?
A Yes you can. However, once you’ve experienced the speed of cable Internet access, you’ll never again want to wait for traditional
Q Do I need to subscribe to cable TV to get cable Internet access?
A No, but you will need to subscribe to cable Internet service. Some systems require that you subscribe to basic service before you can get Internet access and/or offer a discount when you use your own SVG2500. Check with your local cable company for specific information.
Q What type of technical support is available?
A For questions about your Internet service, connection, or SVG2500, call your Internet service provider.
Q What do I do if my SVG2500 stops working?
A Troubleshooting provides tips to diagnose problems and simple solutions. If you continue to have problems, call your Internet service provider.
Q Can multiple game players on the SVG2500 LAN log onto the same game server and play simultaneously with just one public IP address?
A It depends on the game server. For more information about gaming, see Gaming Configuration Guidelines.