oStart Button (START)
While playing back, clicking this button will specify the start point for downloading.
!0Start Time Display Area
Displays the start time of the recorded image that you are to download.
!1End Button (END)
While playing back, clicking this button will specify the end point for downloading.
!2End Time Display Area
Displays the end time of the recorded image that you are to download.
!3Download Button (DOWNLOAD)
Pulls out the time range specified for the image data from the start to end time.
!4To the Oldest Frame Button (TO OLDEST)
Jumps the recorded image to the oldest frame of the record.
!5Rewind Button (REW)
Rewinds the recorded image on the
!6Reverse Play Button (REV PLAY)
Changes the playback direction backwards.
!7Play Button (PLAY)
Plays back the recorded image.
!8Fast Forward Button (FF)
!9To the Latest Frame Button (TO LATEST)
Jumps the recorded image to the latest frame of the record.
@0Previous Frame Button (PREV FRAME)
Returns the frame one step to the previous.
@1Pause Button (PAUSE)
Pauses the playback image.
@2Stop Button (STOP)
Stops playbacks including REW, PREV FRAME, PAUSE, PLAY, NEXT FRAME, and FF.
@3Next Frame Button (NEXT FRAME)
Forwards the frame one step to the next while pausing.
@4Add Favorite Button (ADD FAVORITE)
Registers the IP address (or URL when using DDNS) to the favorite of the browser.
@5Recording Button (REC)
Starts recording.
@6Recording Stop Button (REC STOP)
Stops recording.