
Additional Information
Level 2:
The file name can have up to 31 characters (in- cluding the separation mark “.” and a file ex- tension). Each folder contains less than 8 hierarchies.
Extended formats
File names can have up to 64 characters. Romeo:
File names can have up to 128 characters.
Linear PCM (LPCM)/Pulse code modulation
This stands for linear pulse code modulation, which is the signal recording system used for music CDs and DVDs. Generally, DVDs are re- corded with higher sampling frequency and bit rate than CDs. Therefore, DVDs can provide higher sound quality.
Playlists created using the “WINAMP” soft- ware have a playlist file extension (.m3u).
MP3 is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3. It is an audio compression standard set by a working group (MPEG) of the ISO (International Stan- dards Organization). MP3 is able to compress audio data to about 1/10th the level of a con- ventional disc.
This stands for Moving Pictures Experts Group, and is an international video image compression standard. Some DVDs feature di- gital audio compressed and recorded using this system.
With regular TV programs, although multiple cameras are used to simultaneously shoot scenes, only images from one camera at a time are transmitted to your TV. Some DVDs feature scenes shot from multiple angles, let- ting you choose your viewing angle as desired.
Subtitles in up to 32 languages can be re- corded on a single DVD, letting you choose as desired.
Optical digital output/input
By transmitting and receiving audio signals in a digital signal format, the chance of sonic quality deteriorating in the course of transmis- sion is minimized. An optical digital output/ input is designed to transmit and receive digi- tal signals optically.
Packet write
This is a general term for a method of writing on
Parental lock
Some DVD video discs with violent or