10 • Troubleshooting
Error Messages
Message | Description | Action |
Connection Lost | Connection made but lost | Press Clear/Back (C); try |
| before transaction com- | again in a few minutes. |
| pleted. | If problem persists call |
| Pitney Bowes (see Pitney |
| Bowes Contact List at the |
| start of this guide). |
Inspection Due | This message displays if | Perform a refill procedure |
Inspection Re- | a refill has not been per- | or check amount avail- |
quired | formed in 90 days. After | able to download. |
| 120 days, postage cannot |
| be printed until a refill/or |
| balance check. |
No dial tone | Analog phone line not con- | Connect analog phone |
| nected to machine. | line to machine. |
Not Enough | Insufficient postage. Post- | Select a lower postage |
Funds | age amount exceeds | amount. Perform a funds |
| maximum funds available | refill to add funds to the |
| in system. | system. |
Refill failed: xxxx. | A failure occurred during | Call Pitney Bowes (see |
Contact Pitney | a refill. | Pitney Bowes Contact |
Bowes. |
| List at the start of this |
| guide). |
Refill Too High | Refill amount entered is | Press Clear/Back (C). |
| more than the maximum | Repeat refill procedure |
| the machine will allow. | with a smaller postage |
| amount. |
Error P20XX | Meter error codes without | Press Clear/Back (C). |
Error P21XX | descriptions | If nothing happens in 5 |
Error E25XX |
| seconds, turn off ma- |
Error E22XX |
| chine; wait 15 seconds, |
Printer fault |
| and then turn on ma- |
| chine. If problem per- |
| sists, call Pitney Bowes |
| (see Pitney Bowes Con- |
| tact List at the start of |
| this guide). |
SV61983 Rev. G |