
OdstraÀování problémÛ


Possible Causes


Focus does not adjust

Focus is set to manual

Set focus to AUTO



Use strobe or lit the place


Recording was done in a

Clear the lens and check the focus


dark place



Lens is covered with








The Memory Stick will not

Memory stick is in wrong

Insert the Memory Stick properly,

load properly


page 33


Something fills in the

Clear the Memory Stick slot


Memory Stick slot





Colour balance of picture is

White balance

Set proper white balance, page 65

not natural

adjustment is required





Digital zoom does not work

Digital special effect is

Turn off the digital special effects,



page 51




Files stored in the Memory

Memory Stick is

Remove the protection tab of

Stick cannot be deleted


Memory Stick


File is locked

Remove the lock on the file, page 82

Images on the LCD

Ambient is too bright

Adjust the brightness and angle of

monitor appear dark

Ambient temperature is



too low

Low temperatures might produce a



dark LCD display



This is not a malfunction

Rear of the LCD monitor is

Prolonged use of LCD

Close the LCD monitor to turn if off,



or turn your device off to cool down




Play, rewind and fast

The Photo Mode is

Select Video Mode’ and select ‘Play

forwarding do not work






Memory Stick cannot be

The Video Mode is

Select Photo Modeand select

played back (Photo mode)






No picture is taken when is

Not enough free memory

Delete files from the Memory Stick

fully pressed

space is remained

Format the Memory Stick on the


Memory card is



formatted by different





Built-in Light will fire

Light is forced to cancel

Select different Light mode, page 62


Light is not available for








Cannot Record a video

The ‘Photo Mode’ is selected

Select Video Mode

LCD screen turns off

To save power consumption, the LCD screen and

Operating any button will turn the camera on


Camera s power turns off if there is no button

Pressing the button once again will operate its function


operation for a certain period of time (depending



on operation mode), which is not a malfunctioning






MoÏné pfiíãiny



Nefunguje automatické

Zaostfiování je nastaveno na

Nastavte zaostfiování do reÏimu AUTO



ruãní reÏim.




Nahrávání probíhalo za

PouÏijte svûtelnou jednotku nebo osviÈte



nedostateãn˘ch svûteln˘ch

scénu jin˘m zpÛsobem.




Oãistûte objektiv a zkontrolujte zaostfiení.



Objektiv je zamlÏen.



Kartu Memory Stick nelze

Karta Memory Stick je v

VloÏte fiádnû kartu Memory Stick, viz


fiádnû zasunout.

nesprávné poloze.

strana 33.



Slot pro kartu Memory Stick

Uvolnûte slot pro kartu Memory Stick.



je nûãím zablokován.







VyváÏení barev snímku

Je tfieba nastavit vyváÏení

Nastavte správné vyváÏení bílé, viz


není pfiirozené.


strana 65.


Nefunguje digitální zoom.

PouÏívá se speciální digitální

Vypnûte speciální digitální efekty, viz




strana 51.


Nelze odstranit soubory

Karta Memory Stick je

Zru‰te ochranu proti zápisu karty Memory


uloÏené na kartû Memory

chránûná proti zápisu.




Soubor je zamãen˘.

Zru‰te zamãení souboru, viz strana 82.


Snímky se na LCD

Okolní osvûtlení je pfiíli‰

Nastavte jas a úhel displeje


monitoru zobrazují tmavé.


Pfii nízké okolní teplotû mÛÏe dojít k



Okolní teplota je pfiíli‰ nízká.

tmavému zobrazení na displeji.




Nejde o poruchu.


Zadní ãást LCD monitoru

Dlouhé pouÏívání monitoru

Zavfiením vypnûte LCD monitor nebo


je horká


vypnûte pfiístroj a nechte jej vychladnout.


Nefunguje pfiehrávání a

Je vybrán reÏim Photo Mode

Vyberte reÏim Video Mode <ReÏim


rychlé pfievíjení vpfied a

<ReÏim Fotografování>.

Video> a vyberte moÏnost Play










Nelze pfiehrát obsah karty

Je vybrán reÏim Video Mode

Vyberte reÏim Photo Mode <ReÏim


Memory Stick (v reÏimu

<ReÏim Video>.

Fotografování> a vyberte moÏnost View


Photo mode <ReÏim












Pfii úplném stisknutí

Není k dispozici dostatek

OdstraÀte soubory z karty Memory Stick.


pfiístroj nefotografuje.

volné pamûti.

Zformátujte kartu Memory Stick v zafiízení



PamûÈová karta je




zformátovaná jin˘m







Spustí se zabudované

Je nastaveno zru‰ení svûtla.

Vyberte jin˘ reÏim svûtla, viz strana 62.



Svûtlo nelze pouÏít pro











Nelze nahrávat video.

Je vybrán reÏim Photo Mode

Vyberte reÏim Video Mode



<ReÏim Fotografování>.

<ReÏim Video>.






Displej LCD se vypne

Pro úsporu energie se napájení displeje

Stisknutím libovolného tlaãítka se



LCD a fotoaparátu vypne, pokud bûhem

fotoaparát zapne. Dal‰ím stisknutím



urãité doby (v závislosti na provozním

tlaãítka bude aktivována jeho funkce.



reÏimu) nestisknete nûkteré tlaãítko;




nejedná se o poruchu.






Page 122
Image 122
Samsung VP-M110R/XEC, VP-M110S/XET, VP-M110S/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-X110L/XET, VP-M110SMEM manual 121

VP-M110B/EUR, VP-M110R/FPT, VP-M110SMEM, VP-X110L/XEH, VP-M110R/XSG specifications

The Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF represent a remarkable range of consumer camcorders designed for video enthusiasts and casual users alike. These models incorporate cutting-edge technology and features, enabling users to capture high-quality footage with ease.

One of the main features of these camcorders is their impressive video resolution capabilities. Most models in this lineup support recording in full HD, providing crystal-clear video quality that enhances the viewing experience. The 1080p resolution ensures that details are sharp, making these camcorders ideal for personal projects or family events.

The VP-M110 series also includes advanced optical zoom functionality. Leveraging high-quality lenses, these camcorders allow users to zoom in on distant subjects without losing clarity. Whether capturing sporting events or wildlife, the optical zoom feature ensures that the focus remains precise, enabling users to capture captivating footage from afar.

Users will also appreciate the array of manual settings that the VP-M110 series offers. For those who wish to take greater control over their recording experience, these camcorders provide options such as manual focus, exposure settings, and white balance adjustments. This versatility allows videographers to be creative and adapt their shooting style to various environments and lighting conditions.

The VP-X110L/XEF model stands out with its unique design and user-friendly interface. Its lightweight and compact form factor make it portable, catering to users who are always on the go. Moreover, the intuitive touch screen interface simplifies navigation, making it easy for users to adjust settings or review recordings.

In terms of connectivity, these camcorders come equipped with HDMI and USB outputs, allowing for straightforward connection to televisions and computer systems. This feature enhances versatility, enabling users to enjoy instant playback on larger screens or transfer content to editing software with minimal fuss.

Battery life is another critical aspect of these camcorders. With extended recording times, users can capture moments without frequently worrying about battery depletion. Additionally, the ability to charge via standard USB ports increases convenience, making it easier to keep the device ready for action.

Overall, the Samsung VP-M110S/XET, VP-X110L/XEF, VP-M110R/XEF, VP-M110B/XEF, and VP-M110S/XEF are equipped with modern features and technologies that cater to both novice and experienced videographers. With their high-resolution video capabilities, optical zoom, manual controls, and user-friendly interfaces, these camcorders offer an impressive solution for anyone looking to document life's moments beautifully and effectively.