Sending a Fax Message
will return to standby mode.
| ❖ Checking the transmission result | |||
| Turn on the Communication Re- | |||
2 | ||||
sult Report if you want a report to | ||||
| ||||
| be printed after every successful | |||
| transmission.⇒ P.50 “Communica- | |||
| tion Result Report (Memory Trans- | |||
| mission)” |
| |
| If you leave the Communication | |||
| Result Report off, the report will | |||
| not be printed after every trans- | |||
| mission. However, should a trans- | |||
| mission | fail, | a Communication | |
| Failure Report will be printed in- | |||
| stead. |
| |
| If you turn the Communication Re- | |||
| sult Report off, the Communica- | |||
| tion Failure Report will be printed | |||
| when a communication fails. | |||
| You can also check the transmis- | |||
| sion result by examining the Jour- | |||
| nal.⇒ P.142 “Printing the Journal” | |||
| You can print the Journal or view it | |||
| on the display panel.⇒ P.136 | |||
| “Checking | the | Transmission Result |
(TX Status)”
❖Sending a fax straight away
When you wish to send a fax straight away, use Immediate transmission. If a Memory Trans- mission is in progress, the display will switch to transmission stand- by and as soon as the current trans- mission has finished, the
Immediate Transmission will start automatically.⇒ P.55 “Immediate Transmission”
If already sending to more than one destination with Memory Transmission and your document has already been scanned in,
Broadcasting is interrupted to al- low the Immediate Transmission to be sent.
However, if a transmission other than the current transmission is on standby, that document is sent first causing your Immediate Trans- mission to take a little longer.
❖Auto Redial
If a fax message could not be trans- mitted because the line was busy or an error occurred during trans- mission, redialing is done 4 times at 5 minutes intervals (these fig- ures vary according to which country you are in).
If redialing fails after four redials, the machine cancels the transmis- sion and prints the Communica-
tion Result Report or Communication Failure Report.⇒ P.50 “Communication Result Report (Memory Transmission)”, P.51 “Communication Failure Report”
❖Broadcasting Sequence
If you dial several destinations for the same message (Broadcasting) the messages are sent in the order in which they were dialed. If the fax message could not be transmit- ted, the machine redials that desti- nation after the last destination specified for Broadcasting. For ex- ample, if you specify four destina- tions A through D for broadcasting, and if the lines to destinations A and C are busy, the machine dials the destinations in the following order: A, B, C, D, A, and C.
❖Broadcasting: Checking Progress
To check which destinations the
fax message has been sent to so far, print the TX file list.⇒ P.135