ISD300 User Manual
ISD300 User Manual
Using ISD300 as DHCP / DNS Server
DNS can be set by administrators only.
Proceed as follows:
1. Click DHCP & DNS.
2. Click Configure DNS server.
3. Enter the data; see: Parameter Settings - DNS Server on page
4. Click Save.
After DNS is configured, the server must be started; see: How to
start/stop the DHCP or DNS Server? on page 48.
Table: Parameter Settings - DNS Server
Parameter Description
Master DNS
servers All requests to the ISD300 that cannot be answered
locally or by the servers for local domains are
forwarded to the master servers. Up to 300 answers
from the master servers are cached by the ISD300
to minimize network traffic.
Forward Zones
(servers for local
domains names)
All requests to local domains served by other local
DNS servers can be forwarded to this local DNS
servers. This option can be used to keep network
traffic away from extern master servers (Which might
only serve internet names).
Example: localdomain
Master Zones
(Domain names
served by the
DNS request to domains, specified here are not
forwarded to other servers. If the request cannot be
resolved locally, the requesting client receives an