Getting to Know Your Organizer

OZ-630, OZ-640, OZ-650 Organizers are a compact yet sophisticated information management device that you can useanytime,anywhere.Theirapplicationsandutilitiesallow you to enter and organize information, and it has powerful communicationsfacilitiesthatenableyoutoputthatinformation to optimum use when you return to your home or office. You can quickly update your computerized mailing lists, for example,or even transferyour notes,lettersand memos onto a PCforfurtherprocessing.

applications have a menu for functions and commands that arespecifictoeachapplication.

Press [MENU] once displays the application menu, which contains the operations and commands specific to the particularapplication.Pressing[MENU]successivelydisplays the PREFERENCES, TOOLS and PERIPHERALS menus.


Operationson theOrganizerareperformedusingapplications. The Organizer’s Calendar and Schedule, for example, are applicationsthatrecordanddisplaytimerelatedinformation. To start an application, press the corresponding key on the topof thekeyboard.

When working in one application, you can switch to another applicationsimplybypressingthatapplicationkey.Databeing processedinthefirstapplicationwillbesaved,eveniftheentry is notcomplete.

Menu operations

Another powerful aspect of using the Organizer is its menu system, which can be used to quickly issue commands and perform operations. Two universal menus, PREFERENCES and TOOLS, areavailablefromall applications.In addition,all

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Pop-up menus

TheOrganizer’spop-upmenusoffera convenientandefficient methodofselectingoptionsfrompre-definedlists,similarto many of the latest personal computer application software packages. Mostapplicationsand functionscontain somepop- up fields.Whentheusermovesto oneofthesefields,thepop- up symbol appears on the right of the field. Pressing [ ] causesthepop-upmenuto appear,containinga listof options orvaluescurrentlyavailableforthatfield.Youcanthenselect thedesireditemfromthelistwithouthavingtotypeanytext.

Inaddition,alldatefieldsfunctionaspop-upfields.Whethera date can be entered, the user can press [ ] to display the special pop-up one-month calendar. You can use [PREV] and [NEXT] to select the desired month, then the arrow keys to select the desired date. You may find this more convenient thantypinginthedatedirectly,sincethepop-upcalendaralso shows the days of the week.



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Sharp OZ-640, OZ-630, OZ-650 operation manual Getting to Know Your Organizer, Applications, Menu operations, Pop-up menus