datawillnotbe lost.Whenyoupress[ON],theOrganizerwill returnto the sameoperatingstateas beforethe powerturned offautomatically.



Fromtimeto time,thecontrastof theLCDdisplaymayhaveto be adjustedforidealreadability.Youmayfind,forexample, thatacontrastsettingthatwasfineforthehomeorofficeisnot adequatewhenoutdoorsor whentravelingon publictransport. Follow the procedure below to adjust the LCD contrast.

1.Press [MENU] three times to open the TOOLS menu.


3.Adjustthecontrastby pressing[ ] and[ ] or [PREV] and [NEXT].

4.Press [ENTER]when you aresatisfiedwith the contrast.

Turning the key beep on and off

The Organizer can be set to make a sound (a beep) each time a key is pressed. This may help you to know whether a key hasbeenpressedproperly.Thedefaultsettingison,indicated by a musical symbol on the bottom of the display. You can use the TOOLS menu to change the setting.

1. Press [MENU] three times to open the TOOLS menu.

2.Select KEY SOUND ON( indicates that the option is




The key beep is now turned off and the musical symbol


disappearsfromthebottomlineof thedisplay.



TheOrganizerprovidesa built-inBacklight,whichallowsyou to view the displayand use the Organizer even in low-light conditions,eg.inatheater,restaurant,orbusinesspresentation. Pressing[BACKLIGHT]onceilluminatesthedisplayforaround fifteen seconds. When already on, press [BACKLIGHT] again toturnitoff.

If you press [2nd][BACKLIGHT],the Backlightwillremainon for as long as you continue to use the Organizer, until you havenottypedanykeyforfifteenseconds.Thisisusefulifyou wanttoenteror accesssomeinformationthatwilltakelonger thanfifteenseconds.

The Backlight may remainon for lessthan fifteen secondsif thebatterylevelisverylow,orduringdatatransfer.

Note:Do notuse theBacklightunnecessarily.

*Since the Backlight drains power from the operating batteries,excessiveuseoftheBacklightwillsignificantly reduceyourbatterylife.

*Continuoususe of the Backlightwill,overtime, leadto graduallossofbrightness.

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8/6/98, 4:04 PM

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Image 14
Sharp OZ-650, OZ-640 Conditions, Turning the key beep on and off, Backlight, Disappearsfromthebottomlineof thedisplay