Functions used for making calls
Step by step
Functions used for making calls
Making Calls
•When authorized, it allows you to call external num- bers1 on a public network.
•The HiPath 1100 can also be programmed to require pressing the "Internal" key before an internal number can be dialed. When this is the case, there is no need to enter an external line access code to dial an external number ("Automatic Seizure of an Exter- nal Line2Check with the Support Technician for your system.
•Ask your Support Technician for the required internal numbers, public network access codes as well as information about enabled features and available ex- tensions.
•Depending on how the HiPath 1100 is programmed (ask the system’s technical support team) it will au- tomatically select the most economical route for making an external call (LCR - Least Cost Routing). When an LCR is not available, the
... Using the Handset
Lift the handset.
• For an internal call: Enter an extension number (e.g., 11/101).
•For an external calls: enter the code for accessing an external line (e.g., 0) and the external number you want to call.
Wait for the call to be answered. Initiate conversation.
[1]See the chapter Important Programming Data - Classes of Service in the Programming Manual.
[2]It allows the user to dial an external call directly, without having to dial an external access code (e.g., 0). If a continuous dialing tone is heard when the handset is lifted, it means that Automatic Seizure Mode is active (see Programming na External Line - Automatic Sei- zure of an External Line, in the Programming Manual).