Workflow I nformation
You can select all recon jobs, Sequence, Spiral, Multi-
scan and CareVision Scan Entries you want to modify
in this subsection, of course you can also only select
single Recon jobs out of the list. Additionally you can
display information about the scan range:
• When <include scan range information> is
selected, an information line for each scan range is
listed before the recon jobs belonging to this scan
range, you might have to scroll to the right side of
the line to get the information visible.
• If no special scan mode is selected, the so called
mixed mode is active. The mixed mode means the
user can choose scan ranges from different modes
(Spiral, Sequence, Multiscan, or CAREVision
modes). If the control in one mode is not applicable,
the control in mixed mode is not shown in <Param-
eters Area>.