Workflow I nformation
User-specific scan protocols can be saved with the fol-
lowing basic procedure:
• Register a patient, you can choose any patient posi-
tion in the Patient Model Dialog.
• Select an existing scan protocol in the Patient Model
• Modify the scan protocol, change parameters, add
new ranges etc. to adapt the new protocol to your
• Scan your patient as usual.
• Check that all parameters are as you desire.
•Select Edit/Save Scan Protocol in the main menu.
• Select the folder where you want the new protocol to
appear and the scan protocol name in the pop-up
dialog box.
• You can either use the same name to overwrite the
existing scan protocol or enter a new name, which
will create a new protocol name and will not alter
any of the existing protocols already stored.
• If you want to save an "old" protocol again, you may
have to modify the protocol name. The old protocol
(with the old name) must be cancelled explicitly.