Respiratory Gating 484
•Key Features 486
- Respiratory Gating 486
- Respiration Monitoring 486
- Respiration Synchronization 487
•Positioning of the respiratory sensor belt 488
•Scanning Information 490
- Scan Parameters 490
- Temporal Resolution 491
- Technical Principles 491
- Respiratory Triggering 491
- Respiratory gating 492
- Prospective respiratory triggering versus
retrospective respiratory gating 494
- Curve Editor 495
- Synthetic Trigger/Sync 497
•Workflow 498
- Reconstruction and Post processing 498
•Additional important Information 499
•Scan Protocol 500
- RespSeq 500
- Resp 502
- RespModBreathRate 504
- RespLowBreathRate 506
Children 508
•Overview 508
- General Hints 512
- Head Kernels 515
- Body Kernels 516
•Scan Protocols 518
- HeadRoutine 518
- HeadSeq 522
- InnerEarHR 526
- InnerEar 530
- InnerEarSeq 534
- SinusOrbit 538
- NeckRoutine 542