Contrast Medium
6.Load the images into the DynEva task card and
determine the time to peak enhancement. Alterna-
tively, on the image segment, click select series
with the right mouse button and position an ROI on
the first image. This ROI will appear on all images in
the test bolus series. Find the image with the peak
HU value, and calculate the time deltat taken to
reach the peak HU value (do not forget to add the
preset start delay time). This time can then be used
as the optimal start delay time for the spiral scan.
CARE ContrastWith the injector coupling, the bolus injector can now
be connected to your CT scanner.
Key features
• Synchronized scanning and contrast injection
• One button control from the CT-console and from
the injector
– The scan start can be initiated by the injector and
also by the CT scanner, without having to press
both start buttons at the same time.
– The start by the CT can also be done via the foot
–The Start of the CT scanner, including the start
delay can be initiated also by the start button at
the bolus injector.
The injector and the CT have to be coupled explicitly.
You can store protocols where the injector coupling is